

Home > Freelancer > 3D Graphic Designer Registration

3D Graphic Designer

Register 3D그래픽작가를 모십니다

Freelancer Commission Policy

Exclusive EDC, EDF
The files uploaded by EDC, EDF are only for ADLAYOUT marketplace sale
*Profit share : 4 (ADLAYOUT) : 6 (EDC, EDF)
Non-exclusive EDC, EDF
The files uploaded by EDC, EDF can be sold in other sites
*Profit Share : 6 (ADLAYOUT) : 4 (EDC, EDF)
Premium Contents Provider
A designer or design company who has mass volume contents or can upload certain amount of design contents in regular
*Profit Share : Contract base

Getting Started

01 Freelancer
Freelancer sign up
02 Approval
(by email or face to face)
03 Freelancer
Account Open
04 Contents Upload
and Sales

* After freelancer sign up, you need to submit more than 3 copies of your design works to


* Upload only your own design contents also intellectual properties should belong to you.
* You are responsible for any legal problem arising from your contents such as intellectual property, copyright, image right etc.

3D Graphic designer
